Cum te prezinti/How you present yourself
Sunt X si vreau sa-ti ofer ceva ce poate ai nevoie, iti place sau te
vei imprieteni cu el in particele ale vietii tale. Ma vei recunoaste
pentru ca am niste semne proprii distinctive: am un logo, o carte de vizita si o poveste. Ea iti va spune clar si frumos oferta mea, ce-ti va aduce un lucru bun si necesar in viata ta. Iti pot arata brosuri, flyere, afise si scrisori cu antet, calendare personalizate, toate
pentru a-ti atrage atentia asupra unei identitati prezente, care
comunica cu auditoriul printr-un design atractiv, specific
obiectului oferit si printr-un limbaj armonios.
Hi! I'm X
and I wish to offer you something you may need, you may like or you may
make friendship with in some portions of your life. You will recognize
me because I have my own distinctive signs: I have a logo, a visit card and a story. It will tell you clearly and beautifully my offer, which will bring
you good and necessary things in your life. I can show you brochures, flyers, posters and letters with headers,
all of them directed to catch your attention. They are about a present identity that
communicates with the audience through an attractive design
specific to the object of offer and through a harmonious language.
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